Information you need to live a happy, worry-free retirement!
What is Medicare Advantage?
Medicare Advantage is a private insurance plan that offers the same or more benefits than Original Medicare. Learn how Medicare Advantage works.
Why Medicare Advantage?
Other Considerations:
To find out if a Medicare Advantage plan is right for you, call a Benefit Advisor at 1-866-800-5566.
Medicare Insurance Learning Center
If you’ve ever gotten a quote for Medicare Advantage or Part D Prescription Drug plans, you might have noticed that each plan was rated on a 1 to 5-star scale. What do those ratings mean and where do they come from?
With the 2013 open enrollment period in full swing, seniors are reminded that they can review and compare their Medicare coverage options, including Part D drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans. When asked about their views on the number of Medicare private plan choices available, the survey found that 40 percent of seniors said that it is confusing and difficult to pick the best plan